Oil Barons? annual general meeting postponed due to wildfires

Fort McMurray, Alta. (May 11, 2016) – Due to ongoing wildfires and the mandatory evacuation order that remains in effect for Fort McMurray, the Fort McMurray Oil Barons of the Alberta Junior Hockey League (AJHL) have postponed the Northern Alberta Athletic Association’s (NAAA) Annual General Meeting (AGM). The meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 19 at the Casman Centre.

“On behalf of the Oil Barons and NAAA, I’d like to thank all of the men and women that have worked tirelessly over the past week to protect our community and keep us safe,” said Oil Barons and NAAA President David Fitzgerald.

“Due to the state of emergency in our community, our organization thought it was imperative that we postpone our annual general meeting, until Fort McMurray residents are allowed to return home and our community is stabilized. At this point, it’s unknown when that will happen.”

Each year, the NAAA holds its AGM allowing eligible season ticket holders to vote and run for the organization’s board of directors. The NAAA’s last AGM was held on May 30, 2015.

“We'd like to thank the Alberta Junior Hockey League and all of the Junior A teams across the country that have reached out to us in the past week or have raised money in support of our community,” said Fitzgerald.

“We also appreciate the kind words and support that we've received from the hockey community. We look forward to returning home, when authorities have determined that it’s safe to do so.”

A new date for the AGM will be determined and shared in the future.

For more information, please contact:

Jordan Fitzgerald, Director of Communications
Phone: (403) 969-0104
Email: jordanfitzgerald90@gmail.com